2020 Year In Review

Because Of People Like You…

We’re reaching

more children

with Gospel-centered care!
This year, we’ve partnered with 476 adoptive families to bring 502 children into loving, Christian homes.


That’s 9,115 children since 2002!

In 2020, we reached 16,230 children in 13 countries
with holistic, Gospel-centered care, education, and support as they transition into adulthood.
In a year that will go down in history as difficult and discouraging, God used people like you to bring joy in abundance to orphaned and vulnerable children!

Here are a few highlights of His faithfulness in 2020…

In February, Amy from Thailand bravely shared how God transformed her life and held her family together.

Watch Her Story

In March,

when global lockdowns went into effect, you mobilized our teams on the ground to meet critical needs.

Over 1,500,000 meals distributed

across the 13 countries we serve

In Zambia, our team welcomed a group of high-risk girls to live in a safe home on campus.



In Guatemala, our team responded to “white flag” pleas.




In Haiti, our new health clinic reached up to 60 patients daily, many of whom were mothers and babies.


“The COVID crisis has brought us closer to the young ladies who have graduated. We’ve been able to deliver food and other essentials. One of the girls shared, ‘It reminded me I’m not alone.’”


Kathryn Ochoa
Bolivia Ministry Partner
“There is not a global pandemic or unexpected adoption challenge that God won’t take care of or have power over.”


Mom & Lifesong Grant Recipient


In Guatemala this May,

24 children were baptized and 13 children trusted Jesus for salvation.

In June and August,

our New Life team in Ukraine hosted camps for moms and young women who aged out of orphanages. Over 100 women are now receiving Christian mentorship through the program!

“The greatest blessing of our recent camps is how the Word of God has touched the hearts of our girls. Both single moms and girls spent time asking good questions. They wanted to better understand the importance of a personal relationship with God.”

Read the STORY

With limited travel this summer,

we hosted our first ever Virtual Vision Trips to Ukraine, Zambia, and Lifesong Farms sites.
We praise God for bringing us relationships with

over 500 adoption fund partners,

including Colonial Heights Baptist Church. See how God is using their Lifesong-facilitated adoption fund, Hearts of Compassion.

This year, we celebrated a milestone:

9,000 children adopted

with help from Lifesong financial assistance!

Your support made 2020 an amazing year for Lifesong sustainable businesses like

Lifesong Farms


Launched in Uganda this year, now operating in 4 sites across 3 countries
Sustained the jobs of all 230 employees
Gave over $300,000 of profits back to fuel local ministry

“I have a family, good friends, and a great job at Lifesong Farms… this is more than I ever expected to have!”


Ukraine Farm Leader & Orphan Graduate

Read his STORY

In November,

100% of Grade 9 students in Haiti passed National Exams.
Though in-person learning was limited most of the year, we rejoiced when schools began reopening in the countries we serve! And we weren’t the only ones excited…


Watch a few of our students in Zambia react to the news.

Thank you

for reaching orphaned and vulnerable children with Gospel-centered care!
2020 could have been absolutely devastating for the tens of thousands of children and families we serve around the world. But God is faithful! And He is doing abundantly more than we can ask or imagine—through your generosity.