2019 Year In Review

Because Of People Like You…

We’re reaching

more children

than ever!

In 2019,
11,522 children in 13 countries were reached

with holistic, Christ-centered care, education, and support as they transition into adulthood.

This year,
695 families are one
step closer to bringing 769 children home

with Lifesong adoption financial assistance.

(that’s 8,483 children since 2002)

In January, classes in Zambia began at our newly certified Vocational School, which offers food processing, agriculture, and mechanics certificates.

Watch Eric’s Story

When roadblocks and rioting began in Haiti, you joined us in prayer.
In March, we celebrated a milestone:

the 8,000th child

coming home through adoption.
“Saying yes to things that aren’t natural isn’t easy. It’s the hardest yes ever. But God is waiting for us as Christians to follow Jesus’ lead.”


Jeremy & Rachel
Adoptive Parents

Watch the Kral Family’s Story

This Spring, Lifesong Farms Zambia began growing strawberries using hydroponics.

Our skilled team from Lifesong Farms Ukraine helped design, build and implement new technology to produce higher yields, ultimately creating more jobs and income to support the ministry in Zambia.
Kolia, an orphan graduate in Ukraine, was invited to join the National Council of Children and Youth, helping develop new ways to care for orphaned and foster youth.
“For the 13 years I spent at the orphanage, God sent His people to form me and my life. Now it’s my turn to help orphans.”


Ukraine Orphan Graduate

Read Kolia’s Story

In April, construction began on a new girls’ dorm in Liberia. Special thanks to long-time partners RetailROI.

“I was always looking for the answers – why both of my parents died; why I’m at the orphanage…and this camp answered all my questions. And now I’m happy to be a part of God’s plan!”


17 years old, Ukraine Camp Participant
Over 2,000 kids attended summer camps in Haiti, Ukraine, and Zambia, where they were taught Jesus’ love through sports, fun activities, and relationship-building. Many of these kids made the decision to follow Christ.

100% of our students in Haiti and Ethiopia passed their national exams.

In September, they began a new school year.

See how education is impacting Esther’s life.


In October, national protests continued in Haiti and began in Bolivia. Even in this extreme unrest, God has faithfully kept our staff, children, and missionaries safe through your prayers.
Many of our 483 church adoption fund partners observed Orphan Sunday, using it to connect their congregations with ways to support adoption and orphan care.

See How Orphan Sunday Began

See the impact one church is making.


At the beginning of December, the first Medical Clinic in the Bercy community opened on the Lifesong haiti campus.

Thank You

For helping orphans become sons & daughters this year!

Help make more stories like this possible in 2020!

Between now and December 31, 2019, your gift to Lifesong will be matched up to $1,000,000. As always, our administrative and fundraising costs are covered, so 100% of your gift to Lifesong directly helps kids in need.


Give Today!