Help Transform Lives in Zambia


Rescuing Young Girls

In Zambia, young girls must provide for their families. Because of this cultural expectation—and with the additional pressure of scarcity in a pandemic—girls as young as 4th grade walk the streets in search of food or quick ways to make money to buy food.

This puts them at even higher risk of prostitution, slavery, and trafficking just to survive. But our team in Zambia is stepping up to the fight.

Earlier this year with support from people like you, our team welcomed a group of high-risk girls to live in a safe home on campus where they receive food, shelter, education, and discipleship. Most importantly, they’re protected and have found new hope in Jesus.

But there are some children still at-risk who need this same level of care. Building a new Student Life Home opens the door to protect even more students and prepare them for the future.


Preparing for Life After Graduation

Unemployment is nearly 80% in the community we serve. In order for our students to be successful after graduation, they need meaningful job skills and employment opportunities. So we’re looking ahead, as we plan to expand the Vocational School.

In 2021, we’re hoping to expand courses and certification in auto mechanics, woodworking, technology, and agriculture.

Education and employment are the fastest means to lift people out of poverty. People like you make it possible to continue saying yes! to students who would otherwise be unable to go to school. 

As our Vocational School Director shares, “Many of them didn’t have any hope of achieving anything in life. But with this vocational training center, we see God’s hand. And they can look to the future with hope.”

Your support enables us to educate children and give them a path out of poverty. Our prayer is that each of these students will grow up to be Christian leaders who show God’s faithfulness in their lives to future generations.


Will you give today to help transform lives in Zambia?

We have several major capital needs to continue serving and reaching vulnerable children:

Student Life Homes $120,000

(Additional Girls Housing)

School Maintenance Projects $22,000

(including Security Gate & Water System)

Vocational Training Program $214,500

(including Workshop, Computer Lab, Mechanics, Ag Projects, & Restrooms)

Total $356,500

Thanks to TMG Foundation and key partners, all of our fundraising and administrative costs are covered. 100% of your donation will directly help children in need.