2022 Mid-Year Impact Report

Create a ripple of impact for generations to come.

Reflecting on the first half of 2022, God is clearly working on behalf of the orphaned and vulnerable.

We’ve had reasons to both rejoice and mourn. But through it all, He has shown His unfailing love—through people like you.

See highlights from the first half of 2022—



Your impact—this year and in years to come—will continue to multiply as each child and family grows and shares the love of Christ with their communities, creating a ripple greater than we can ask or imagine. By God’s grace, the best is yet to come.

But the work doesn’t end here. There are more children waiting for families and holistic care, more at-risk families waiting for support, and above all, more people longing for the hope of the Gospel.

Your gift continues the work of caring for the most vulnerable.

When you give today you create a ripple of impact for generations to come, by providing holistic, Gospel-centered care to orphaned and vulnerable children; helping Christian families overcome financial barriers to adoption; and creating job opportunities and sustainable business to fuel the ministry.