Grow Futures with Lifesong Farms



Lifesong Farms creates jobs, supports families and communities, and prevents orphans by employing caregivers and orphan graduates—like Vitaly and Vania.

Vitaly and Vania are brothers, orphan graduates, and farm leaders in Ukraine.

Typically after aging out of the orphanage, graduates struggle to find jobs or cultivate healthy relationships, thus perpetuating the orphan cycle. But by creating meaningful jobs through Lifesong Farms, orphan grads like Vitaly and Vania learn employable skills and earn an honest income in a Christian workplace.

In Uganda, Ukraine, and Zambia, stories like theirs are being written every day through Lifesong Farms.


Lifesong Farms exists to:

  • Generate income to fuel orphan care projects.
  • Provide critical work for caregivers.
  • Create future jobs for graduates to learn meaningful skills.
  • Build teams of advocates who offer their skills and expertise.


Left: Workers from Ukraine and Zambia collaborate as they expand the farm in Zambia. Right: Berries harvested from the farm in Ukraine.


Would you help grow the futures of orphaned and vulnerable children by supporting Lifesong Farms?


The Ukraine Farm Needs Are…

Processing Facility $230,000
Blueberry (10 Acres) & Raspberry Expansion (3 tunnels) $177,500
Farm Infrastructure & Irrigation $115,000
Ag Shop & Farm Equipment $57,000
Farm Workers Campus $18,000
Total Ukraine Farm Needs $597,500


The Zambia Farm Needs Are…

Blueberry Tunnels (1 acre) $68,000
Farm Cooler & Sorting Space $16,000
Total Zambia Farm Needs $84,000


Total Farm Needs



Projected Outcomes: 2020-2021



Farmable Acres



Jobs Created



Annual Contribution to Ministries


Yes! I want to grow futures with Lifesong Farms!

100% of your gift to Lifesong directly helps children in need. Thanks to TMG Foundation and key partners all of our administrative costs are already covered.