This Giving Tuesday, show a child in need they are seen.

Orphaned and vulnerable children often feel ignored, unwanted, unseen. Many of these kids live on the streets, are at risk of trafficking, or are victims of extreme poverty. But God sees them, loves them, and cares about them. And He’s calling each of us to do the same.

You can help children experience the love of their heavenly Father.

Your gift given today is matched, up to $200,000—doubling your impact!

Meeting the match helps as many as 80 more Christian families adopt—families like David and Jackie’s. When an image of a boy in a Ukrainian orphanage came across their computer screen, they were shocked by hissmall, weak appearance. God made it clear He wanted them to bring this boy and another boy in his orphanage into their family.

They spent six months fundraising and planning. Days before leaving for Ukraine and thousands of dollars away from their financial need, they received a matching grant through Lifesong. They shared the giving opportunity, and watched friends and family meet the match overnight

Because people like you gave to make the matching grant possible, they left for Ukraine fully funded and brought their sons—Miles and Jonah—home.

Meeting the match also has the potential to help 490 children receive Gospel-centered care, education, and discipleship throughout 2022.

Your gift changes the lives of young leaders like Sophia. She grew up migrating between dangerous construction sites with her parents, moving wherever there was a possibility of work. Food was scarce, and school was out of the question.

But one day, she met Pastor Vino—a local leader partnering with Lifesong. He invited her to come to our learning center, giving her access to Christian education and community.

Because people like you partner with in-country leaders like Pastor Vino, Sophia is now a role model at the learning center, helping the younger children with homework and boldly living out her faith.

Will you give today to impact even more children and families?

Your unrestricted gift to Lifesong’s Where Most Needed Fund is matched up to $200,000—meaning your impact goes twice as far! As always, 100% of your gift directly helps children in need. TMG Foundation and key partners cover our fundraising and administrative costs, so your entire gift goes where you want it to go.


Yes! Match my #GivingTuesday gift!