Give to Bring Joy & Purpose to Orphans


Orphaned and vulnerable children are one of the most at-risk populations in the world. But these children are not without hope. God has called and empowered each one of us to change their outcome.

You can reach orphans. And we can help.

Lifesong mobilizes the Church to care for the orphan, where each member can provide a unique and special service: some to care, some to adopt, some to give. 100% of your gift to Lifesong…

  • Funds Christian adoptions, helping orphans become sons & daughters. People like you have helped 8,785 families bring their children home.
  • Supports global orphan care ministries, reaching orphans with holistic, Gospel-centered care. People like you support 13,475 children in 13 countries.
  • Fuels sustainable business initiatives, preventing orphans through job creation. People like you have created 275 jobs for people around the world.

Thanks to TMG Foundation and key partners, all of our fundraising and administrative costs are covered. 100% of your gift to Lifesong goes straight to caring for children in need—simply use the giving form below to make a quick, secure gift. Thank you for bringing joy & purpose to orphans! 

Yes! I want to bring joy & purpose to orphans!