Because no one is more vulnerable than a child without a safe and stable family.

Now more than ever, children all over the world are waiting for a loving family, lack the protection of a loving family, or are at risk of being separated from their families.

And most of these children know nothing of the joy and purpose that comes from realizing their place in God’s family.

This reality is devastating. But here’s another powerful truth: it only takes one caring person to help one child in need. You can reach orphaned and vulnerable children today, and we can help.

When you support Lifesong, you reach orphaned and vulnerable with children Gospel-centered care. A gift to Lifesong’s Where Most Needed Fund helps…

  • Fund Christian adoptions. Since 2002, people like you have helped 9,567 Christian families bring waiting children into their homes, like David and Jackie. When God called them to adopt two sons with special needs from Ukraine, they said “yes.” And they trusted God to sort out the rest. With help from a Lifesong matching grant, they were able to bring home their sons free from financial burdens.  
  • Support global orphan care ministries. We partner with in-country leaders to bring holistic, Gospel-centered care to orphaned and vulnerable children. People like you support 18,007 children across the world, giving them the tools they need to break the poverty cycle and one day lead their families for Christ. These children include a young man in Zambia named Costace. Once struggling with education and unfamiliar with the Gospel, today he is a high school graduate. And now he leads outreach efforts in his community.
  • Fuel sustainable business development. With your support, we strive to solve the orphan crisis at its root by creating jobs to preserve families at risk of separating. People like you have created over 400 jobs for people around the world, including Ylana. Her job at the Lifesong Haiti Guest House is supporting her family. And it enables her to build a new, safe home for her children.

Will you join where God is working by giving a gift today?

Now through December 31, 2021, your unrestricted gift to Lifesong’s Where Most Needed Fund is matched up to $1,500,000—meaning your impact goes twice as far!

100% of your gift to Lifesong directly helps children in need. TMG Foundation and key partners cover our fundraising and administrative costs, so your entire gift goes where you want it to go.


Yes! MATCH my gift to send Gospel-centered care where it’s needed most!